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Revised By-Laws of the KCFT & SRP Retiree Chapter - Part 1

Revised By-laws of the KCFT & SRP Retiree Chapter





The name of this organization shall be the Kansas City Federation of Teachers & School-Related Personnel Retiree Chapter (KCFT & SRP - RC), hereinafter referred to as the Chapter.





Section 1.  The Chapter shall serve as a constituent unit of the Kansas City Federation of Teachers & School-Related Personnel, herinafter referred to as the KCFT & SRP.


Section 2.  The Chapter shall take no action that is in conflict with policies and decisions of the membership or the Executive Board of the KCFT & SRP.


Section 3.  No provision, of, or proposed amendments to, these Bylaws shall be in conflict with the Constitution and/or Bylaws of the KCFT & SRP.





The objectives of the Chapter will be as follows.


Section 1.  To promote membership in the Chapter of eligible retirees as defined in Article IV of these Bylaws.


Section 2.  To formulate and support programs that will advance the best interests of Chapter members in such matters as pensions, annuities, social security, health benefits, and fair taxation.


Section 3.  To strive for improvement in the quality of life for both active and retired members of the KCFT & SRP.


Section  4. To promote the aims and interests of the KCFT & SRP and its state and national affiliates in matters that pertain to both working members and retirees.


Section 5.  To maintain the ties of professional unity between working members and retired personnel.


Section 6. To monitor legislation at both the state and national levels that may affect members and to keep its members informed of such legislation.


Section  7. To promote mutual assistance and cooperation with other organizations with which the Chapter is associated.


Section 8.  To promote opportunities for its members to socialize and a forum for exchanging information of interest and benefit to retired members, and for the expression of their views.





Section 1.  Retiree membership shall be open to all KCMSD retired personnel who have held active membership in the KCFT & SRP prior to their retirement.  Membership in the Chapter also may be offered to surviving beneficiaries of eligible retirees described above and to retired employees or their surviving beneficiaries who meet similar qualification criteria as prescribed by the KCFT & SRP.


Section 2.  The Executive Board of the Chapter may, by majority vote, approve applications for membership from other individuals who wish to join the Chapter.


Section 3.  Membership eligibility in the Chapter shall be determined without regard to sex, race, religious creed, color, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, position in public employment, or political affiliation.





Section 1.  The amount of Chapter dues shall be $15.00 per year, unless an increase is approved per Article V, Section 2.


Section 2.  Any increase in Chapter dues shall be:

a.     Recommended by the Chapter Executive Board;

b.     Presented in a written notice to the Chapter membership at least thirty calendar days prior to the annual meeting; and

c.     Approved by a majority vote of Chapter members present at the

d.     annual meeting.


Section 3.  The Chapter shall have the right to engage in other legitimate forms of fundraising, subject to approval of the KCFT & SRP Executive Board. 


Section 4.  The Chapter shall conduct an annual audit of the Chapter’s financial records.





Section 1.  The next election for Chapter officers shall be in May of 2012 – for a one-year term.  Thereafter officers shall be elected in May of odd-numbered years and terms of office shall be for two years.


Section 2. The Nominating Committee will be composed of the Chair of the Resolutions and Nominations and from two to four Chapter members appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board.

a.    At least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the election, the Nominating Committee shall notify all Chapter members of the offices to be filled and the date of the election.

b.    The Nominating Committee shall present the names of candidates for each office at the annual meeting in May 2012 and thereafter at the annual meeting in May of odd-numbered years.

c.     After hearing the report from the Nominating Committee, the president or presiding officer shall entertain nominations from the floor. 

d.    Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Chapter members present at the annual meeting.

e.    Unless a candidate is unopposed, all elections shall be conducted by secret ballot.


Section 3.  Newly elected officers shall assume their positions immediately following the election.


Section 4.  At the close of their official term, outgoing officers shall deliver to their successors in office all books, papers, and other property of the Chapter that may be in their possession.


Section 5.   Vacancies in any of the officers shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board.





Section 1.  The officers of the Chapter shall be:

a.    President                                 f.  Membership Chair

b.    Vice-President                         g.  Program Chair

c.     Secretary                                  h.  Legislative Chair

d.    Treasurer                                  i.  Welfare Chair

e.    Sgt. at Arms                             j.  Retirement Chair

                                                 k.  Resolutions & Nom. Chair  


Section 2.  The duties of the President shall be to:


a.    Administer the affairs and execute the policies of the Chapter;

b.    Preside at all meetings of the Chapter Executive Board and general membership;

c.     Represent the Chapter to outside groups;

d.    Appoint members to all committees subject to approval of the Executive Board, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, and establish new committees as necessary;

e.    Call regular and special meetings of the Executive Board and general membership; and

f.      Fulfill other duties as the office requires, and as are consistent with the Chapter Bylaws and with the KCFT & SRP Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 3.  The duties of the Vice-President shall be to:

a.     Assist the President with his/her duties;

b.    Oversee the work of the committees;

c.     Assume the duties of the President in case of his/her absence, disability, or upon the President’s request; and

d.    Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.


Section 4.  The duties of the Secretary shall be to:

a.    Record and keep the minutes of the Executive Board and general membership meetings;

b.    Disseminate pertinent information to the general membership;

c.     Preserve election records;

d.    Be responsible for all correspondence; and

e.    Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.


Section 5.  The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

a.     Mail dues notices and collect dues;

b.    Keep an accurate record of all revenues and expenditures;

c.     Report the Chapter’s financial status to the membership, including an annual audit of finances;

d.    In cooperation with the Membership Chair maintain up-to-date membership records;

e.    Pay all bills incurred by the Chapter when due; and

f.      Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.



Section 6.  The duties of the Sgt. at Arms shall be to:

a.    Maintain order at Chapter Executive Board and general membership meetings;

b.    Oversee the counting of ballots whenever there is a contested election; and

c.     Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.


Section 7.  The duties of the Membership Chair shall be to:

a.     Recruit and retain members

b.    In cooperation with the Treasurer maintain up-to-date membership records; and

c.     Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.


Section 8. The duties of the Program Chair shall be to:

a.    Work to create programs that will enhance growth of membership in the Chapter;

b.    Oversee obtaining speakers and making food arrangements for the Chapter general membership meetings; and

c.     Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.


Section 9.  The duties of the Legislative Chair shall be to:

a.    Develop legislative goals for the Chapter;

b.    Serve as a liaison between Chapter members and the KCFT & SRP in legislative matters; and

c.     Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.


Section 10.  The duties of the Welfare Chair shall be to:

a.    Respond to members’ needs in times of illness or personal crisis;

b.    Oversee any charitable or philanthropic contributions the Chapter makes including the Retiree Chapter Scholarship; and

c.     Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.


Section 11.  The duties of the Retirement Chair shall be to:

a.    Oversee any retirement programs the Chapter is involved in including the Retirement Seminar;

b.    Inform the Chapter membership on retiree issues such as pensions and health insurance; and

c.     Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.


Section 12.  The duties of the Resolutions and Nominations Chair shall be to:

a.    Chair the Nominating Committee;

b.    Make recommendations concerning the policies of the Chapter; and

c.     Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.


Section 13. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer and other persons designated by the Executive Board shall be bonded to protect the funds of the Chapter.  The amount of bond shall be determined by the Executive Board.

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